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2 Pembroke Pines Writers Found
Nick M
Pembroke Pines, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Published Writer and Translator with PhD
I have experience writing and translating in various genres -- 2 books of poetry and several essays, short stories, and translations. I wor...
I have experience writing and translating in various genres -- 2 books of poetry and several essays, short stories, and translations. I work across both the English and Spanish languages. I have a PhD with specializations in Creative Writing and Translation. I also have experience as a copy editor and proofreader. I have also taught writing -- both academic and creative -- for...
Branden D
Pembroke Pines, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Excellent writer available today
I am a published author who has a strong passion for creative writing. I write mostly fantasy novels and poems but i am willing do give any...
I am a published author who has a strong passion for creative writing. I write mostly fantasy novels and poems but i am willing do give any genre a try. I am viewed by my peers as the most gifted innovative writer they have ever known. I myself have grown fond of my unique writing style. Check out Soul: Tainted Sorrow and Quarantined Files: Because of You just to see exactly ho...
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