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3 Pearland Writers Found
Laura G
Pearland, Texas
Active over a week ago
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Recently started
Writer, Editor, Copywriter - former HS English teacher
I have written error-free and engaging copy for a diverse body of clients. With my exceptionally strong background in grammar and writing, I...
I have written error-free and engaging copy for a diverse body of clients. With my exceptionally strong background in grammar and writing, I can also provide editing guidance for writers.
Lori M
Pearland, Texas
Active over a week ago
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A gal earning her bachelors in Creative Writing English. I'm an author of fiction and enjoy bringing imagination to life
I am great with being communicative and coming up with new ideas. I won't write your story for you but I will edit it if you'd like.
I am great with being communicative and coming up with new ideas. I won't write your story for you but I will edit it if you'd like.
Dan R
Pearland, Texas
Active over a week ago
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I presently do work for a company out of the UK, to write training material for Universities and Colleges, and other school materials. My fi...
I presently do work for a company out of the UK, to write training material for Universities and Colleges, and other school materials. My fields of expertise are; outdoors, backpacking, essay and theses tips and guidelines, Art/art history, Cultural development. I am knowledgeable in Marketing, travel, technical writing, and journalism.
In Photography I work mostly with outdoo...
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