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3 Parma Writers Found
Joseph S
Parma, Ohio
Active over a week ago
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Im a inspirational songwriter that touches hearts, and makes people think about what they have , and to believe in themselves
I am a poet , songwriter. I offer my talents to help others make that special occasion special. I have various singers that have picked up...
I am a poet , songwriter. I offer my talents to help others make that special occasion special. I have various singers that have picked up my lyrics and have turned them into a true gem.
Laura B
Parma, Ohio
Active over a week ago
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Magazine and Newspaper Journalist Seeking Chance to Tell Important Stories
I am a graduate of John Carroll University. I earned degree in Communication with a focus in Journalism and minored in Creative Writing, thu...
I am a graduate of John Carroll University. I earned degree in Communication with a focus in Journalism and minored in Creative Writing, thus giving me a unique combination of being able to report the facts in an attention grabbing style. I currently freelance for a PR company for North Royalton and Chagrin Falls school district. I have held down several jobs at once for over t...
Tammy L
Parma, Ohio
Active over a week ago
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Automotive Writer for Hire!
I have over 20 years of experience in nearly every facet of the automotive industry, but have excellent research skills that allow me to wri...
I have over 20 years of experience in nearly every facet of the automotive industry, but have excellent research skills that allow me to write on any topic with just as much confidence. I also have hiring and management experience to create a team to manage your online presence in a way that will exceed your expectations.
No job is too large or too small, I am extremely orga...
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