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2 Oxnard Writers Found
Kirsten S
Oxnard, California
Active over a week ago
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1 years exp.
Artistic cinephile (apparent makeup artist) with too much time on my hands.
I can co-write/ghost write, edit, and provide feedback on screenplays or novels. I've graduated CSULA with a BA in Film, TV, and Media studi...
I can co-write/ghost write, edit, and provide feedback on screenplays or novels. I've graduated CSULA with a BA in Film, TV, and Media studies, and looking to start my career by gaining hands on experience with scripts, or any written story.
Arcelia M
Oxnard, California
Active over a week ago
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I am a creative writer with experience in screenwriting, playwriting, and poetry.
I provide screenplay coverage and plot, character, dialogue, and voice guidance for anyone seeking to write a creative peace.
I provide screenplay coverage and plot, character, dialogue, and voice guidance for anyone seeking to write a creative peace.
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