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3 Orange Park Writers Found
Jasmine R
Orange Park, Florida
Active over a week ago
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3 years exp.
Experienced Blog Content Writer
For over 3 years, I have written blog posts for my own blog and for a separate blog for Exceptionally Empowered LLC, a company dedicated to...
For over 3 years, I have written blog posts for my own blog and for a separate blog for Exceptionally Empowered LLC, a company dedicated to helping out students with disabilities. I pride myself on making sure I get not only the right content for readers, but achieving the right details based on research done for various topics.
As of now, I am working on my own blog, but I'...
Brian B
Orange Park, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Songwriter for RnB, HipHop/Rap. and Pop
I am looking for a few songwriting jobs to start off my songwriting career. I can provide lyrics and background vocals (if needed).
I am looking for a few songwriting jobs to start off my songwriting career. I can provide lyrics and background vocals (if needed).
Brandy B
Orange Park, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Words are life
I am a writer at my core. I love how a simple sentence can make or break you and make the reader feel all kinds of ways, weather it be thoug...
I am a writer at my core. I love how a simple sentence can make or break you and make the reader feel all kinds of ways, weather it be thought provoking, or emotional, or both. As far as skills go, I can type 65 WPM, and I am an extensive researcher. I can find almost anything you want to know that is on the web. I am very creative and have been writing(though not professionall...
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