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2 North Miami Beach Writers Found
Natasha F
North Miami Beach, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Hi there! I'm just your average college graduate with a writing degree looking for some work.
As someone who has been subject to a wide variety of writing topics in the past few years, I am open and willing to write for any type of co...
As someone who has been subject to a wide variety of writing topics in the past few years, I am open and willing to write for any type of content. Although my strengths lie on the creative side of the writing spectrum, my technical writing capabilities are also guaranteed to impress.
I am honestly looking for any type of writing work at the moment and promise to provide any wor...
matthew f
North Miami Beach, Florida
Active over a week ago
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I am obese in ideas and starving for experience in the comedy arena.
I can make anyone laugh as long as their IQ permits them to stoop to my level of comedy. Let me try to assist you in making your project gre...
I can make anyone laugh as long as their IQ permits them to stoop to my level of comedy. Let me try to assist you in making your project great or at least better than mediocre as you obviously would not be reading this unless you were really suffering a creative block. Nothing says desperation like considering me to work for you.
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