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4 Newport Beach Writers Found
Kristen M
Newport Beach, California
Active over a week ago
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A catchy tagline receives more responses.
Writer/reader at heart, hoping to make it my day job. Looking for like-minded individuals who want another pair of eyes!
Writer/reader at heart, hoping to make it my day job. Looking for like-minded individuals who want another pair of eyes!
Shea C
Newport Beach, California
Active over a week ago
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5 years exp.
Writer, Performer, Gypsy, Cat Person
My unique combination of extensive experience gained through years of customer service at high-profile companies and my excellent education...
My unique combination of extensive experience gained through years of customer service at high-profile companies and my excellent education makes me a perfect fit for any job. I am a creative and ambitious writer who takes responsibility, workplace happiness, and cats seriously.
Abz D
Newport Beach, California
Active over a week ago
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I'm A Brilliant Writer.
From the moment I could talk, I was spinning fantasy worlds and stories out of thin air. As I grew up, I realized that I could do this in wr...
From the moment I could talk, I was spinning fantasy worlds and stories out of thin air. As I grew up, I realized that I could do this in writing, and that I was actually really, naturally good at it. This love for storytelling came hand in hand with my love for the English language, making me an effective editor as well. From ghostwriting, to professional content writing, to e...
Thomas S
Newport Beach, California
Active over a week ago
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10 years exp.
CHEAP Resume Builder and LinkedIn Profile Editor! GET YOUR NEW JOB!
If you need help with fixing your resume or getting your LinkedIn..... profile to SHINE, I'm youre guy. I usually hold interviews and the FI...
If you need help with fixing your resume or getting your LinkedIn..... profile to SHINE, I'm youre guy. I usually hold interviews and the FIRST thing employers check for is something to catch their eye on your resume. I know EXACTLY what employers are looking for. In addition, once you get past the resume stage, you need something better to back it up. Many employers will look...
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