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2 Newark Writers Found
Jason H
Newark, Delaware
Active over a week ago
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Writer available for projects, part-time, and full-time
I'm a recent graduate of University of Delaware, I'm available for short and long term projects while I look for full-time employment. I cur...
I'm a recent graduate of University of Delaware, I'm available for short and long term projects while I look for full-time employment. I currently live in Delaware but am willing to travel and relocate.
I have experience writing satire/comedy, editorials, news, and reviews.
Comedy shorts, skits, and documentaries
Poetry and Prose
Published to...
Kay C
Newark, Delaware
Active over a week ago
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The Perfect Writer For You
I am a young writer with a very flexible schedule. I provide all types of editorial services. You need something written, proofread, edited,...
I am a young writer with a very flexible schedule. I provide all types of editorial services. You need something written, proofread, edited, etc. Please feel free to contact me. I have a Facebook page that will give a better description for you. Please check it out and like also.
Facebook page: The Gem Editorial Services (Facebook...../gemedserv)
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