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2 Mountain View Writers Found
Lisa C
Mountain View, California
Active over a week ago
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I am a Yale PhD (American Studies)/JD (antidiscrimination law/legal history) who does freelance work with writers.
I offer research, writing, editing, and proofreading services for authors of academic and popular nonfiction works. Additionally, I provide...
I offer research, writing, editing, and proofreading services for authors of academic and popular nonfiction works. Additionally, I provide "language editing," which involves comprehensive correction and modification of grammatical, syntactical, stylistic, and organizational aspects of manuscripts authored by those whose first language is not English.
Annie A
Mountain View, California
Active over a week ago
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4 years exp.
Grammatical Game. Syntactical Swagger.
Are you looking for a copy or content writer to help you craft your brand vision? Do you need someone with experience writing for diverse a...
Are you looking for a copy or content writer to help you craft your brand vision? Do you need someone with experience writing for diverse audiences to tell your company or product's story?
You've found your woman.
I'm scrappy, motivated, and a quick learner whose passions include reading style manuals and striking out verbiage with my favorite red pen. I love capturing...
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