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4 Mount Dora Writers Found

Marika O

Mount Dora, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Top notch writer & editor - "How can I help?"
I edit for intent and content to assist you to have the most clarity and power in your work. That is, the power to influence, remind people...
I edit for intent and content to assist you to have the most clarity and power in your work. That is, the power to influence, remind people of our ability to grow and help each other to win. I provide writing services which can be done by phone calls, interviews, Skype, or your taped dictation followed up with focused questions. Other services include the spelling and gramma...

Jeff L

Mount Dora, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Creative Writer - Content Provider: Screenplays, Website, Blog, Advertising
Jeffery Edward Lupton was born in Orlando, Florida. Pre-Disney. Jeff moved to Eustis in Lake County in the mid-60's and now resides in the c...
Jeffery Edward Lupton was born in Orlando, Florida. Pre-Disney. Jeff moved to Eustis in Lake County in the mid-60's and now resides in the creative community of Mount Dora. He received his BFA degree in Theatrical Design and Technology from the University of Florida and "on the advice of John Houseman" returned to Orlando to begin his career in the motion picture industry. In 1...

Mya H

Mount Dora, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Writing Oppurtunites
I'm young ,16 to be exact , when I write or do art or anything creative I cant say that Im a master at creativity but I do believe creativit...
I'm young ,16 to be exact , when I write or do art or anything creative I cant say that Im a master at creativity but I do believe creativity is a master at me , I never know where my creativity will take me but im always pleased when I get their , its a journey and im looking for more adventures in this journey , adventures with gold of course , money Is needed at this time in...

Nadia B

Mount Dora, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Interesting Writer Available Now
As the oldest of seven children, I knows how to engage and grasp their full attention. Although, I am only eighteen years of age, I have com...
As the oldest of seven children, I knows how to engage and grasp their full attention. Although, I am only eighteen years of age, I have come a long way down the writing path. I have written some of my own books but, they wont get published. Yet not because they aren't intriguing but, because no one, now of days wants to publish an 18 year old's writing. I have been through so...

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