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2 Montclair Writers Found
Brianne J
Montclair, New Jersey
Active over a week ago
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6 years exp.
Greetings! I am Bob Ross with a pen. What image can I paint for you?
I am currently a sophomore at Hunter College, studying English Literature and Creative Writing. I have always been a voracious reader, and a...
I am currently a sophomore at Hunter College, studying English Literature and Creative Writing. I have always been a voracious reader, and as a result of being practically raised by librarians, I have developed a profound passion for the art of language and the divinity of proper grammar!
Tami G
Montclair, New Jersey
Active over a week ago
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Published Writer For Business, Entrepreneurial or Personal Devlopment Topics
I've had a love of writing since I was a young child. My first creative writing story was published when I was 15 and I've been writing and...
I've had a love of writing since I was a young child. My first creative writing story was published when I was 15 and I've been writing and publishing articles, blogs and books for the last 30 years. You can see samples of my writing and published work at Here is a link to my latest interview:
I pick up new concepts quickly and can write any...
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