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4 Modesto Writers Found
Tara R
Modesto, California
Active over a week ago
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Experienced writer with unique and professional style, looking forward to help you with your most important projects
Hi my name is Tara and I am a freelance writer by trade. I am experienced in writing children literature, poetry, advertising campaigns, inv...
Hi my name is Tara and I am a freelance writer by trade. I am experienced in writing children literature, poetry, advertising campaigns, invitations, speeches and more. Very dependable, professional, and adaptable to your needs, I look forward to working with you on your most important projects.
Paula W
Modesto, California
Active over a week ago
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Professional Writer Available today.
We are a CMMI Level 3 certified team of 500 Virtual Managers/ Assistants, one of our brilliant virtual assistants would be happy to assist...
We are a CMMI Level 3 certified team of 500 Virtual Managers/ Assistants, one of our brilliant virtual assistants would be happy to assist you.
Capable of SEO, Social Media Marketing and keyword ranking too.
Youhan M
Modesto, California
Active over a week ago
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I know what it takes and I got it.
I want to make it big. Get out of this place. Nothing I enjoy more than making musi...
I know what it takes and I got it.
I want to make it big. Get out of this place. Nothing I enjoy more than making music.
Bruce B
Modesto, California
Active over a week ago
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Recently started
I'm looking to write research articles or essays. Doesn't matter the topic. I'll get the job done, guaranteed.
As stated, My name is Bruce and I am a simple twenty-three year old trying to make it in the world. I held numerous jobs but none of the mad...
As stated, My name is Bruce and I am a simple twenty-three year old trying to make it in the world. I held numerous jobs but none of the made me happy. In fact just the opposite. I was constantly in a stressful and loud environment day in and day. I, certainly, didn't want to live like that. So I took it upon myself to grow my talents and make the most of them. One of them bein...
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