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2 Merced Writers Found
Manaal Nargis Ayaz T
Merced, California
Active over a week ago
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I am a multi-cultural individual with fluency in 5 languages.I have done several projects for the United Nations
Iam a very experienced writer of different kinds of writing abilities,Such as Narrative, Descriptive,Dramatic,Fictional, project oriented,Re...
Iam a very experienced writer of different kinds of writing abilities,Such as Narrative, Descriptive,Dramatic,Fictional, project oriented,Resume/Curriculum vitae,Cover letters,Essays,Children books,Expository,Persuasive,Legal (Affidavits,Notices as per requirement of case type and client),Humorous,Extensive Training contents,Disclosures,Disclaimers, Flow charts,Inventory,Articl...
Dan R
Merced, California
Active over a week ago
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15 years exp.
That's the exact combination to my luggage.
I'm looking to work with someone who love's a good romance, a good action, or thriller movie. I love comedy as well. Ultimately, I can creat...
I'm looking to work with someone who love's a good romance, a good action, or thriller movie. I love comedy as well. Ultimately, I can create an entire story.
I'm a sucker for a good romance. I love to write witty conversation. I used to watch Days of our Lives in the late 90's with Chloe.
I've always wanted to write a scary movie but one that's comical. I love to write humor....
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