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5 Melbourne Writers Found
Marci M
Melbourne, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Professional Ghostwriter
I have written over 40 books and am seeking ghostwriting projects. Write your memoir to pass down to your grandchildren!
I have written over 40 books and am seeking ghostwriting projects. Write your memoir to pass down to your grandchildren!
Ginette V
Melbourne, Florida
Active over a week ago
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If you are looking for well-written optimized content, I am your girl.
I provide SEO optimized content. I am looking for client for both my content services as well as my services as a virtual assistant.
I provide SEO optimized content. I am looking for client for both my content services as well as my services as a virtual assistant.
David A
Melbourne, Florida
Active over a week ago
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I am a writer offering services for any type of writing. From creative ghost writing to articles. I can write anything
I can provided anything I can research, no limit to what I can do. I am a freelance writer who specializes in creative writing but can write...
I can provided anything I can research, no limit to what I can do. I am a freelance writer who specializes in creative writing but can write about everything.
Rachel J
Melbourne, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Conversational yet informative blogs about cosmetic surgeries is my specialty.
Clear communication is key, everything else tends to fall into place. I thrive on deadlines and structure, although I can work independently...
Clear communication is key, everything else tends to fall into place. I thrive on deadlines and structure, although I can work independently and self-govern.
Martin R
Melbourne, Florida
Active over a week ago
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A hard work ethic.
Technical writer, teacher, trainer, computer science major.
I am semi-retired but want to work to help off-set daughters medical expenses....
Technical writer, teacher, trainer, computer science major.
I am semi-retired but want to work to help off-set daughters medical expenses. This will be on-going.
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