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2 Leesburg Writers Found
Noelle J
Leesburg, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Passionate Writer
Married and mother to a beautiful baby girl, I've worked in education and enjoy be connect to the world around me. I love reading books, and...
Married and mother to a beautiful baby girl, I've worked in education and enjoy be connect to the world around me. I love reading books, and giving my opinions no matter the subject.
Jose G
Leesburg, Florida
Active over a week ago
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15 years exp.
Music Ghostwriter
I right music , hip hop, rnb, rock, pop, trap, dubstep, also I make animation beats for cartoons . I also write books and can come up with c...
I right music , hip hop, rnb, rock, pop, trap, dubstep, also I make animation beats for cartoons . I also write books and can come up with create ways to put you on the main stream platform. Interested I charge a minimum 100 $ for each verse and chorus . You get what you pay for correct but I love my craft .hmu
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