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2 Lake Wales Writers Found
William T
Lake Wales, Florida
Active over a week ago
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My name is William Thresher. I am an aspiring novelist and scriptwriter who wants to get some side money doing extra jobs.
I can write, edit, and revise any writing project the client would need done. I can do simple things like essays, but am willing to do bigge...
I can write, edit, and revise any writing project the client would need done. I can do simple things like essays, but am willing to do bigger projects if it seems worth my time.
Michael P
Lake Wales, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Creative Writing Wizard
I'll can write anything and make it witty and fun! Creative writing is my passion, but I just enjoy writing.
I'll can write anything and make it witty and fun! Creative writing is my passion, but I just enjoy writing.
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