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2 La Habra Writers Found
Liz Y
La Habra, California
Active over a week ago
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English Degree, UCI - Primarily Looking for Editing
Background in IT, Nutrition, Wellness, and Event Planning
Can create content, primarily looking for editing
Background in IT, Nutrition, Wellness, and Event Planning
Can create content, primarily looking for editing
Katie L
La Habra, California
Active over a week ago
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Political Science graduate, Blogger/Reviewer, and Hobby- Level Experience with Proofreading
I can proof/edit the following documents for grammar/language and content
- Essays
- Manuscripts
- Reports
- Writing Submissions on Cas...
I can proof/edit the following documents for grammar/language and content
- Essays
- Manuscripts
- Reports
- Writing Submissions on Case-by-Case basis
Have experience proofing resumes, technical and creative writing, essays, manuscripts, and have knowledge of MLA and APA formats.
Can also provide a breakdown of hours logged for pay purposes, etc.
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