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2 Irving Writers Found
Jasmine C
Irving, Texas
Active over a week ago
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In depth thoughts and beautiful words.
As someone who has so many thoughts in my head, I love expressing them through the power of words. To be able to move, and have someone feel...
As someone who has so many thoughts in my head, I love expressing them through the power of words. To be able to move, and have someone feel emotions or be simply inspired is every writers goal. I wish to express my knowledge and help those out who need someone who can write.
Savoya W
Irving, Texas
Active over a week ago
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12 years exp.
I’m a breakout writer with fresh ideas and skills
I offer creative writing in fiction. I can evolve in any sub genre of fiction. I’m able to create worlds and characters that can be enjoyed...
I offer creative writing in fiction. I can evolve in any sub genre of fiction. I’m able to create worlds and characters that can be enjoyed by all.
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