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2 Inverness Writers Found
Candace B
Inverness, Florida
Active over a week ago
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I'm a writing enthusiast creating art with words.
Looking to expand my knowledge and creativity with various forms of writing. Writing blog posts, articles, short stories, poems, social medi...
Looking to expand my knowledge and creativity with various forms of writing. Writing blog posts, articles, short stories, poems, social media content, etc. brings me joy.
Nancy K
Inverness, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Seasoned Feature Freelance Writer Available
I am currently a feature writer/reporter/columnist for the Citrus County Chronicle, a daily newspaper in Florida. I've been with the Citrus...
I am currently a feature writer/reporter/columnist for the Citrus County Chronicle, a daily newspaper in Florida. I've been with the Citrus County Chronicle for 25 years and have won numerous writing awards for my feature stories.
I'm also a seasoned web content writer, magazine feature writer, the author of 11 books and contributing writer to others' books.
Right now I'm l...
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