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2 Hudson Writers Found
Charles F
Hudson, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Hard work. Hard WORK! HARD WORK!
I'm looking for a great team to work with. People who can bring inspiration among others out and create a brilliant masterpiece of the ages.
I'm looking for a great team to work with. People who can bring inspiration among others out and create a brilliant masterpiece of the ages.
Nathan B
Hudson, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Experienced Writer Looking for Projects
I'm a seasoned writer living in Florida taking care of my 93 yo father. I have written technical articles for websites, news articles for bl...
I'm a seasoned writer living in Florida taking care of my 93 yo father. I have written technical articles for websites, news articles for blogs, and more. I've designed web pages, I've managed Wordpress sites, and I am an experienced social media campaign manager.
My real passion is creative writing. I'm currently working on a variety of projects including screenplays and t...
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