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3 Hawthorne Writers Found
Justin D
Hawthorne, California
Active over a week ago
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A genuine honest to goodness writer with too much creativity to express in one sentence.
I am looking to write for money. I believe there is a certain wherewithal to my style of writing. An enjoyment achieved by the reader so the...
I am looking to write for money. I believe there is a certain wherewithal to my style of writing. An enjoyment achieved by the reader so they want to circle back for seconds. I hope to work collectively with other creative minded individuals and express the makings of something great.
Cynthia B
Hawthorne, California
Active over a week ago
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I am a writer
I am looking for a writer Job and want to know if there is any writer job available. I am ready to start any time.
I am looking for a writer Job and want to know if there is any writer job available. I am ready to start any time.
Nykia S
Hawthorne, California
Active over a week ago
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The Nike of Writing - I Just Do It (Well)!
Nykia Smith, EdD is an English teacher and writer who began her illustrious career at the tender age of 12 penning award-winning poems, song...
Nykia Smith, EdD is an English teacher and writer who began her illustrious career at the tender age of 12 penning award-winning poems, songs, speeches, and essays. From lyrical stanzas to theoretical prose, this literary genius only aims to captivate her audiences with exquisite diction.
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