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2 Grand Junction Writers Found
Emerson J
Grand Junction, Colorado
Active over a week ago
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Fiction, Essays, and Everything in between.
I primarily write fiction although I also enjoy (and am qualified in creating) essays, poems, screenplays, reviews, and reports.
I primarily write fiction although I also enjoy (and am qualified in creating) essays, poems, screenplays, reviews, and reports.
Mary W
Grand Junction, Colorado
Active over a week ago
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Writer: Technical, Letters, Tables
I have been compiling technical documentation since the 1980s, and have coordinated large and small documents as well as writing and editing...
I have been compiling technical documentation since the 1980s, and have coordinated large and small documents as well as writing and editing. I would love a chance to join a team. I'm a geologist, environmental specialist, and project coordinator. I will provide a CV at your request.
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