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2 Glendora Writers Found
Rodolfo C
Glendora, California
Active over a week ago
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6 years exp.
I am a freelance screenwriter local to the LA area looking for writing and rewrite work
Hello, my name is Rodolfo Castrellon and I am an up and coming screenwriter looking for work in writing screenplays based on books, plays, o...
Hello, my name is Rodolfo Castrellon and I am an up and coming screenwriter looking for work in writing screenplays based on books, plays, or original ideas. I have written original screenplays that have won awards and good reviews from various competitions. I have been hired to adapt novels, plays and original ideas into screenplay form, the latest of which, an original film i...
Jenny P
Glendora, California
Active over a week ago
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Journalistic styled writing that is objective yet shows depth and character, scripts, and short stories
I provide editing, writing, and free-lance journalism for major news carriers and private businessowners.
I provide editing, writing, and free-lance journalism for major news carriers and private businessowners.
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