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2 Elyria Writers Found
Keith O
Elyria, Ohio
Active over a week ago
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Content developer, developmental editor, and manuscript evaluations.
I'm a developmental and acquisitions editor for Brimstone Media. Helping authors birth their ideas into great novels is a passion of mine. I...
I'm a developmental and acquisitions editor for Brimstone Media. Helping authors birth their ideas into great novels is a passion of mine. I read Max Perkins: Editor of Genius my senior year of high school and his ideas of what an editor are have stuck with me ever since.
When I'm not editing, I also develop content for various industries: real estate, mortgages, travel magazi...
Sra C N C
Elyria, Ohio
Active over a week ago
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Professional Yet Practical Freelance Writer- Please give a humble round of applause for ...
Hola! I am Sra. C. N. Chambers and I write, edit, translate and help others with writing projects from time to time in Spanish and English....
Hola! I am Sra. C. N. Chambers and I write, edit, translate and help others with writing projects from time to time in Spanish and English. My writing style is traditional yet relaxed with a bit of practicality here and there a strong dash of international flavor when needed! I love reading-I am almost done reading the Bible-and I enjoy writing about topics that involve entr...
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