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2 Deerfield Beach Writers Found
Jeff K
Deerfield Beach, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Dedicated to investigation and the story
I'm a writer who has written for a myriad of different publications in a ton of different industries, from travel, to storytelling, to music...
I'm a writer who has written for a myriad of different publications in a ton of different industries, from travel, to storytelling, to music, culture, and politics. I'm looking for a job that allows me to write about the things that interest me.
William P
Deerfield Beach, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Deadline Driven Technical Writer Available
I am a technical writer with over 30 years of experience in the production of hardware and software documentation. I have written, edited an...
I am a technical writer with over 30 years of experience in the production of hardware and software documentation. I have written, edited and managed large documentation libraries for such Fortune 500 companies as IBM, AT&T and J.P. Morgan. I am a skilled researcher and I am known throughout the industry for my ability to distill complex information into easily digested topics....
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