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3 Culver City Writers Found
Angelo G
Culver City, California
Active over a week ago
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A writer with with twenty years of experience specializing in quotable dialogue and storylines that are unforgettable.
I'm looking to do creative writing in all genres but preferable in features and TV. As mentioned above, my speciality is in great dialogue....
I'm looking to do creative writing in all genres but preferable in features and TV. As mentioned above, my speciality is in great dialogue. My story ideas always strive to be what I call "The Same But Different." I'm acutely aware of what sells and what does not. I always consider what sells and try to either go in a totally different direction to prove unique can also be a hit...
Kendall M
Culver City, California
Active over a week ago
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An opportunity to be creative and use my writing skills.
The main star in the sitcom that is my life. I use my strange and beautiful life experiences to write stories.
The main star in the sitcom that is my life. I use my strange and beautiful life experiences to write stories.
Chet H
Culver City, California
Active over a week ago
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Insightful and original thought
My background is in visual arts and writing. I studied narrative theory which gave me the tools to examine and dissect all forms of 'text' w...
My background is in visual arts and writing. I studied narrative theory which gave me the tools to examine and dissect all forms of 'text' we use in order to encode meaning. I love examining culture and society and analyzing trends for the future. My writing style is conversational, visual and visceral.
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