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3 Corvallis Writers Found
Sara T
Corvallis, Oregon
Active over a week ago
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I'm a singer/songwriter/producer.
I offer album writing, editing, and demo producing.
Want to break into the music industry, but you don't have any idea how to? I can help you get organized to make yourself more marketable. I...
Want to break into the music industry, but you don't have any idea how to? I can help you get organized to make yourself more marketable. I provide artist assistance in writing & production, and can coach you towards your goals online, or over the phone.
Luke Isaac H
Corvallis, Oregon
Active over a week ago
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3 years exp.
I am hard working writer/editor who has a special love for classic poetry, storytelling, and faerie stories.
I am looking for a job that will allow me to write and edit in a joyous environment. I want to work with others and be able to expand my rep...
I am looking for a job that will allow me to write and edit in a joyous environment. I want to work with others and be able to expand my repertoire as a writer and editor. I am looking for unique opportunities to no only grow as a writer myself, but to also help others grow.
James T
Corvallis, Oregon
Active over a week ago
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Freelance Editor - First 1,000 words edited for free! (Online)
My name is James. I am a recent graduate of Portland State University. I received my BA in English with a focus in writing. In ord...
My name is James. I am a recent graduate of Portland State University. I received my BA in English with a focus in writing. In order to fulfill my dream of being a full time editor, I am looking to build on going relationships with writers. I am new to this pursuit and I am willing to prove my capabilities. If your interested in editing services, I will edit the first...
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