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2 Concord Writers Found
Afton H
Concord, North Carolina
Active over a week ago
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Open Minded Writer , Website Writer and Updater, Photo & Video Editor, You name it - I'll write it! (or design it)
I'm a 29 year old female entrepreneur. One day I decided "Hey, I'm going to chase my dreams" and that is just what I did. I'm a Freelance Wr...
I'm a 29 year old female entrepreneur. One day I decided "Hey, I'm going to chase my dreams" and that is just what I did. I'm a Freelance Writer and I'm also an aspiring singer/songwriter. I even have my own small babysitting business with a few contractors, just to let you know I have a keen business sense. I have been writing since I was eight years old, writing poems, storie...
Richard M
Concord, North Carolina
Active over a week ago
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Song writer assistant
Hi, I'm Richard. I have been raised by music and love every minute of it. Ive helped a few people write songs and want to help more as time...
Hi, I'm Richard. I have been raised by music and love every minute of it. Ive helped a few people write songs and want to help more as time goes. I live in Concord and I have my own home studio. Its mostly meant for pre production and idea-creation. If you have a good melody but are having a hard time coming up with words? I can help. I strive to keep from sounding redundant an...
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