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2 College Park Writers Found
Quentavious G
College Park, Georgia
Active over a week ago
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Hardworking writer with heart of gold
I’m Quentavious gooden Iv been writing for 3 years. Iv worked on solo films script projects and also worked with storyline and character arc...
I’m Quentavious gooden Iv been writing for 3 years. Iv worked on solo films script projects and also worked with storyline and character arcs for comic book series
Kenneth P
College Park, Georgia
Active over a week ago
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I want to be the Quincy Jones of hip hop
I am a long time artist, producer and all around student of hip hop. I understand the ever so changing culture. I have worked with such arti...
I am a long time artist, producer and all around student of hip hop. I understand the ever so changing culture. I have worked with such artist as lil wayne, c, ludacris, zero, trey songs and more. Now I want to make the transition from artist to writer composer to learn the business of music to expand my portfolio globally.
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