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3 Coeur D Alene Writers Found
Michael M
Coeur D'alene, Idaho
Active over a week ago
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I offer creative writing and professional copywriter services to companies or individuals in need of a specific tone.
I am happy to provide professional content marketing services to companies looking to better serve their client base as well as anything els...
I am happy to provide professional content marketing services to companies looking to better serve their client base as well as anything else we need to accomplish to get the job done for our clients.
Coeur D'alene, Idaho
Active over a week ago
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I am a very seasoned and knowledgeable Individual who has a diverse knowledge on a myriad of subject matter.
I am well read and have my finger on the pulse of a myriad of subject matter, and have a grand command of the English language..
Which serv...
I am well read and have my finger on the pulse of a myriad of subject matter, and have a grand command of the English language..
Which serves as a wonderfully adept way of creating a clear communication and understanding of of the content being expounded upon.
I also have a thorough way of incorporating librarian type cross referencing and fact checking data, which serves as...
April G
Coeur D'alene, Idaho
Active over a week ago
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My name is April and I am a writer and editor. I can do proof reading and dictation as well. If you need someone to bounce ideas off of or s...
My name is April and I am a writer and editor. I can do proof reading and dictation as well. If you need someone to bounce ideas off of or someone to help you organize your writing, I'm it!
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