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3 California City Writers Found
Katelin T
California City, California
Active over a week ago
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20 years exp.
An aspiring author tired of leaving her writing skills on a shelf in a closet.
I feel the need to be creative! Let me work for you. Typically, I am better at fictional writing. However, I have a tendency to be a Grammar...
I feel the need to be creative! Let me work for you. Typically, I am better at fictional writing. However, I have a tendency to be a Grammar ninja, so helping with proofreading and editing is a strong suit, as well. I do not have any professional credentials, but I have been writing all my life (and I don't just mean school work!). I decided I wanted to be an author waaaay back...
Mandira S
California City, California
Active over a week ago
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Writing Solution
I am Mandira, a freelance writer based out of Bangalore, India. I am interested in contributing for your website as Freelance Copywriter....
I am Mandira, a freelance writer based out of Bangalore, India. I am interested in contributing for your website as Freelance Copywriter.
I believe that your company can provide me a place where my background, experience and skills can be put to use and make things happen.
I love playing hide & seek with words, use tools of impeccable grammatical skills and chisel a fine co...
John A
California City, California
Active over a week ago
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A Professional Team of Academic Writers
We cover all subject areas:
We are a professional team of academic writers, if you need our services then we can provide you with 24/7 ac...
We cover all subject areas:
We are a professional team of academic writers, if you need our services then we can provide you with 24/7 academic writing solutions at a very reasonable rate.
We have potential to meet deadline and quality requirements and a capacity to produce work in bulk within 24hrs 12hrs, 8hrs 6hrs 4hrs deadline.
Our team of writers produces around...
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