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2 Brooksville Writers Found
India B
Brooksville, Florida
Active over a week ago
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I could easily write a book or screen play
My career is writing. I've written songs my whole life. I've opened up for many famous acts. I believe I could easily write a book or sc...
My career is writing. I've written songs my whole life. I've opened up for many famous acts. I believe I could easily write a book or screen play.
Suann W
Brooksville, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Experienced writer seeking employment.
Capable of constructing immaculate essays, enthralling works of fiction, and riveting persuasive pieces, I can fulfill any capacity required...
Capable of constructing immaculate essays, enthralling works of fiction, and riveting persuasive pieces, I can fulfill any capacity required of a job. I received a 31 on my writing ACT and completed my first novel- 347 pages- at the age of 13.
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