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2 Augusta Writers Found
Jack J
Augusta, Georgia
Active over a week ago
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An eccentric writer with three days to a week trying to broaden her portfolio.
First and foremost I am not here to lie, I am new to offering my writing style and experience to everybody online. I enjoy myself a good cha...
First and foremost I am not here to lie, I am new to offering my writing style and experience to everybody online. I enjoy myself a good challenge and love sitting down and writing out stories.
I have been given as little as characters with some (very little) background and an end point to a story. I enjoyed helping not only building those characters up but coming helping wit...
Summer S
Augusta, Georgia
Active over a week ago
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Recently started
Clean & Consice Writer
I do intend to receive monetary gain and have no interest in free service for good publicity, however you will benefit in this process.
I do intend to receive monetary gain and have no interest in free service for good publicity, however you will benefit in this process.
I will either customize your new resume/cover letter/ curriculum vitae or ghostwrite your existing document for a small fee.
Should you need Independent articles/instructIonal docs/custom works, I am available. I would prefer to work more cl...
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