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2 Auburn Writers Found
Kate I
Auburn, Alabama
Active over a week ago
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Communication lecturer with experience in newspaper and radio reporting and graphic design.
Looking for a writing outlet where a I can create memorable, humorous content for intended audiences.
Looking for a writing outlet where a I can create memorable, humorous content for intended audiences.
Kirstie W
Auburn, Alabama
Active over a week ago
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Versatile Writer Looking for a Job
I've had a lot of experience and a passion for writing. I've taken multiple advanced college writing courses as well as practicing as a hobb...
I've had a lot of experience and a passion for writing. I've taken multiple advanced college writing courses as well as practicing as a hobbyist writer.
I can write an essay for high school or college level. I can also write short stories of any genre whether you want them for personal use or as a ghost writer.
I've also had a lot of experience in proofreading and edit...
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