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2 Apopka Writers Found
Courtney D
Apopka, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Creative and Spontaneous
My name is Courtney Dubray, I am 16 years old and currently a Junior in High School. I am looking for a job at the moment and although I’ve...
My name is Courtney Dubray, I am 16 years old and currently a Junior in High School. I am looking for a job at the moment and although I’ve never thought of being a writer, this caught my attention. I’ve always been good in English and writing an essay has always been an easy thing for me to do. My teachers always loved my papers so, I decided to give this a shot and see where...
Mandi B
Apopka, Florida
Active over a week ago
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The good, the bad, and the witty.
I've held a variety of jobs, all which I have been successful at due to my passion to learn, teach, and most importantly to tell it like it...
I've held a variety of jobs, all which I have been successful at due to my passion to learn, teach, and most importantly to tell it like it is.
I've been at the bottom and at the top, but always kept my humility, humour, and eagerness to learn.
I recently had my first child, and have never been more out of my element; however, I have taken this new challenge to heart, and li...
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