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3 Anniston Writers Found
Grace G
Anniston, Alabama
Active over a week ago
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Excellent Writer Available Today
I have an affinity for writing and literature. I have over eight years of writing experience and my B.A. in English literature, I write fict...
I have an affinity for writing and literature. I have over eight years of writing experience and my B.A. in English literature, I write fiction, analytical essays, and film reviews. I am a diligent worker and no task is too much for me to handle.
Paula O
Anniston, Alabama
Active over a week ago
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Great Writer available today
I am a well educated female who has spent her life writing. I have to get a job through the internet where i can work from home due to my in...
I am a well educated female who has spent her life writing. I have to get a job through the internet where i can work from home due to my inability to drive due to the fact i have narcolepsy.I am very interested in finding a writing job of some sort that I can do from my computer at home.
April W
Anniston, Alabama
Active over a week ago
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Flexible Writer
I am currently earning my bachelor's degree in Journalism and Mass Communication with a minor in Writing. I have written articles for an ind...
I am currently earning my bachelor's degree in Journalism and Mass Communication with a minor in Writing. I have written articles for an independently owned hotel's website as well as an advertisement article for a non-profit organization. Personally, I am in the process of completing a novel.
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