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2 Ames Writers Found
Matthew C
Ames, Iowa
Active over a week ago
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Recently started
Published writer in newspapers, magazines, business PR and marketing
I am a junior at Iowa State University in journalism and mass communication and I experience in different areas of writing (newspaper, radio...
I am a junior at Iowa State University in journalism and mass communication and I experience in different areas of writing (newspaper, radio, television)
Katie R
Ames, Iowa
Active over a week ago
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College Writer Here!
Full-time ISU student in agriculture. I am available for paper writing and tutoring in many different courses. I am a very decent writer and...
Full-time ISU student in agriculture. I am available for paper writing and tutoring in many different courses. I am a very decent writer and strive in my academics. If interested to see if I can help you, please don't hesitate to inquire.
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