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5 Alameda Writers Found
Lisa S
Alameda, California
Active over a week ago
From 25.00/hour
25 years exp.
Experienced Writer in Alameda, CA Crafting Compelling Content for Your Success!
Hello there! I'm Lisa, a passionate and dedicated writer based in beautiful Alameda, California. With a focus on engaging content, I help bu...
Hello there! I'm Lisa, a passionate and dedicated writer based in beautiful Alameda, California. With a focus on engaging content, I help businesses and individuals boost their online presence and reach their target audience.
As an experienced writer, I can craft compelling articles, blog posts, website copy, and more to help you connect with your customers and drive organic...
Lisa L
Alameda, California
Active over a week ago
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25 years exp.
Publishing Professional & Consultant-Senior Editor, Writer & Developer
I am an experienced developmental/content writer, acquisitions editor, curriculum developer, illustrator, and independent travel contributor...
I am an experienced developmental/content writer, acquisitions editor, curriculum developer, illustrator, and independent travel contributor. With twenty-five years of combined teaching and educational publishing experience, and spiritual writing. I’ve worked as a senior editor and project manager for Houghton Mifflin, Pearson Education, McGraw-Hill, Riverside Publishing, and...
Neha M
Alameda, California
Active over a week ago
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Freelance medical content and academic writer
I am a freelance medical content and academic writer with over 9 years of experience in the industry.
I am a freelance medical content and academic writer with over 9 years of experience in the industry.
Erin B
Alameda, California
Active over a week ago
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Experienced Scribe Seeks Idea Mongers!
I’ve written over 18 mass-market books, scores of articles, games, apps, educational copy, designed and created web site copy and marketing...
I’ve written over 18 mass-market books, scores of articles, games, apps, educational copy, designed and created web site copy and marketing materials. I’m available to freelance on a wide array of subjects. I’m also open to collaboration, conceptual projects; mentoring and tutoring, and PT or FT opportunities.
I am a life coach, a minister, fine wine specialist. I was the top...
Corrina J
Alameda, California
Active over a week ago
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Recently started
Been writing for the past 12 years (focus in creative writing)
Having recently graduated with honours with a B.A. in Game Design and Art, Corrina has a deep understanding of how to craft a storyline tail...
Having recently graduated with honours with a B.A. in Game Design and Art, Corrina has a deep understanding of how to craft a storyline tailored to hook her target audience. In addition to being trained to create interactive narratives, she’s been writing as a hobby for the past 12 years. She often writes in tandem with a close friend of hers which has made her adept at writing...
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