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3 Sandy Writer Jobs Found

Nancy W

Sandy, Utah
Active over a week ago
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Nancy Wilson have written romantic drama entitled a romance in winter
Ideas and,suggestions,to make my script pop and be intresting to play houses, movie producers ,or/and publishers
Ideas and,suggestions,to make my script pop and be intresting to play houses, movie producers ,or/and publishers

Edwin G

Sandy, Utah
Active over a week ago
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Looking for Technical/Copy Writer
Responsible for the origination, editing, and revision of technical documentation including project and product documentation, specifically...
Responsible for the origination, editing, and revision of technical documentation including project and product documentation, specifically component specifications and manufacturing standard operating procedures. Will also include origination, editing, and revision of quality system procedures, work instructions, templates, technical reports, and regulatory submission document...

Steve W

Sandy, Utah
Active over a week ago
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Technical Writer & Documentation Specialist (Sandy)
Technical Writer & Documentation Specialist We have a variety of technical documents which must be updated on a regular basis, including...
Technical Writer & Documentation Specialist We have a variety of technical documents which must be updated on a regular basis, including SOPs, project plans, user guides, system flow diagrams, application descriptions, etc. Standard templates exist for these documents. The technical writer must possess the ability to gather the necessary information through interviews, demon...

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