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10 San Diego Writer Jobs Found

Lindsey D

San Diego, California
Active over a week ago
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Looking for someone to help me create a FIRE 🔥 resume in exchange for some cash and some thorough nutrition advice!
Hey there! I am looking to get a stable job as a secretary, nutrition consultant, admin assistant, customer service, storyboard advisor—basi...
Hey there! I am looking to get a stable job as a secretary, nutrition consultant, admin assistant, customer service, storyboard advisor—basically any stable job that needs an awesome resume with cover letter. I’m ideally looking for work trade—where I give you some nutrition advice a little bit of cash !

John A

San Diego, California
Active over a week ago
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I need a good writer for my company, be free to text me at 213 349 then 2255
I need a good writer for my company, I'm willing to pay at a good rate. I believe a good writer should be a good teacher
I need a good writer for my company, I'm willing to pay at a good rate. I believe a good writer should be a good teacher

Dike A

San Diego, California
Active over a week ago
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No experience needed
Soccernation Content Writer
We are looking for enthusiastic and talented writers who have an interest in the game of soccer to join our team and contribute to our Socce...
We are looking for enthusiastic and talented writers who have an interest in the game of soccer to join our team and contribute to our SoccerNation project **IMPORTANT**: If the descriptions and criteria below fit you, we can't wait to hear from you! Send a video, send a pic... send us something we want to read -- something that describes you! The same old resumes are a dime...

Evelyn D

San Diego, California
Active over a week ago
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No experience needed
Perfect for Writers or Student Writes!
Perfect for Writers or Student Writes! Hello, I need someone who is passionate & good at writing. This will be for my memoir that I would li...
Perfect for Writers or Student Writes! Hello, I need someone who is passionate & good at writing. This will be for my memoir that I would like to publish. You will be my ghost writer. Msg or email me your experience, tell me about yourself and your professional background in writing. This work can be added to your resume. Pro bono or a fee can be negotiated. Than...

Charlie W

San Diego, California
Active over a week ago
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Writer/Blogger Wanted!
The Tenth Man Blog is looking for a writer who can contribute weekly music and/or sports editorials. A knowledge of a diverse musical genres...
The Tenth Man Blog is looking for a writer who can contribute weekly music and/or sports editorials. A knowledge of a diverse musical genres is preferred but not required. Contributions in any area of college or professional sports is also welcomed. Applicants Must: Have experience with WordPress or a similar blogging website and/or MS Word Stay up to date with modern m...

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Creating a profile allows others to reach out to you, or letting you reach out to them

Bruce B

San Diego, California
Active over a week ago
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Editor Of New Online Magazine
EDITOR OF NEW ONLINE MAGAZINE – Industry is the /cannabis/hemp industry. Must have enough experience to create a new magazine quickly. Will...
EDITOR OF NEW ONLINE MAGAZINE – Industry is the /cannabis/hemp industry. Must have enough experience to create a new magazine quickly. Will have complete responsibility over management and hiring of staff. Should also have a strong background in finance. Immediate opening - Please send your resume to

Russell Y

San Diego, California
Active over a week ago
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Seeking writer with knowledge of Solar Industry
A start up company is seeking an individual with extensive knowledge of the Solar Industry and a strong background in writing -- both journa...
A start up company is seeking an individual with extensive knowledge of the Solar Industry and a strong background in writing -- both journalistic and technical. The ideal candidate will have a working knowledge of solar products and can write about their merits and demerits. This company is looking for freelance writing with the potential to grow into a full time salaried posi...

Dijana R

San Diego, California
Active over a week ago
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Writers needed for a startup organization for women battling cancer
We need your help spreading the word about Style'D for a Cause - a charity which helps women with cancer and cancer survivors create memorab...
We need your help spreading the word about Style'D for a Cause - a charity which helps women with cancer and cancer survivors create memorable fashion and beauty heirlooms. We just started a new fund me account and need grant writers, volunteers, and bloggers from across the nation to spread the word about this wonderful cause. We are currently seeking donations for a 5...

Hong K

San Diego, California
Active over a week ago
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Seeking math question writers
KALLIS EDU (KEARNEY MESA) 1. Math Contents Writer: KALLIS EDU is looking for part-time and full-time content writers who specialize in...
KALLIS EDU (KEARNEY MESA) 1. Math Contents Writer: KALLIS EDU is looking for part-time and full-time content writers who specialize in mathematics. Candidates must familiar with and be able to produce ACT-/SAT-level math questions. Candidates must be fluent in English and have a Bachelor's or Master’s degree in mathematics or math-intense field. Teaching credentials are...

Robert K

San Diego, California
Active over a week ago
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Magazine Articles
Please visit media..... which outlines our newly published magazine for North County, San Diego, CA. We are looking for interesting articles...
Please visit media..... which outlines our newly published magazine for North County, San Diego, CA. We are looking for interesting articles with photos to support the topic in the magazine. Within a few days, our September edition will be up online in digital format for you to have a look at the content. This offer is to help those starting out build a portfolio. We are starti...

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