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2 Kansas City Writer Jobs Found
Brittany B
Kansas City, Kansas
Active over a week ago
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A non-for profit organization with a Goal to provide assistance and support with housing and educational needs
I am currently seeking an experienced professional with knowledge in grants and government funding also knowledge in non-profit organization...
I am currently seeking an experienced professional with knowledge in grants and government funding also knowledge in non-profit organization are a plus.
Mitch W
Kansas City, Kansas
Active over a week ago
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Proposal Writer / Team Lead - Energy Management Company
The Proposal Writer /Team Lead position is responsible for coordinating all aspects of proposal development—ensuring accuracy and integrity...
The Proposal Writer /Team Lead position is responsible for coordinating all aspects of proposal development—ensuring accuracy and integrity of all proposal documentation, coordinating internal flow, rebate fulfillment and review of all proposal inputs, and directing final production of the proposal. The Proposal Writer /Team Lead creates, maintains, revises and responds to ener...
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