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7 Gainesville Writer Jobs Found
Gloria R
Gainesville, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Hi, my name is Gloria and i am looking for a writer to assist me with an impact statement.
I am needing assistance with my victim impact statement. This is a bit difficult to put this out there but i was in an abusive relationship...
I am needing assistance with my victim impact statement. This is a bit difficult to put this out there but i was in an abusive relationship that I am now going to court for. It is hard for me to put everything together myself because I don’t know where to start and to be perfectly honest it is very hard to put everything out there.
rich s
Gainesville, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Medical School Essays
My daughter has been overwhelmed with over 85 medical essays. We are looking for someone who can help us with grammar and the ability for b...
My daughter has been overwhelmed with over 85 medical essays. We are looking for someone who can help us with grammar and the ability for better sentence structure and flow.
Wawa K
Gainesville, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Grad School Essay
Grad school essays between 300-500 words. Essays need to be done within next few months. A lot of the requirements are the same but have a s...
Grad school essays between 300-500 words. Essays need to be done within next few months. A lot of the requirements are the same but have a slight variance.
Ulysses W
Gainesville, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Expanded Essay: Write a 1500-200... page opinion that supported with data at least two scholarly resources.
Topics are:Display or create a...
Expanded Essay: Write a 1500-200... page opinion that supported with data at least two scholarly resources.
Topics are:Display or create a product (an essay pr presentation) using various concepts from divergent sources to produce a well supported view point =Critical Thinking Outcome (APA style) (no plagiarism )
Ryan P
Gainesville, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Political Theory Essay
I need an essay written for political theory on Burke and Rousseau. It is due on the 25th and I will give the prompt etc to you personally b...
I need an essay written for political theory on Burke and Rousseau. It is due on the 25th and I will give the prompt etc to you personally by whatever means.
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Hannah S
Gainesville, Florida
Active over a week ago
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I just need help starting my paper and putting it together
As of right now i have a term paper on chartres cathedral. It is a research paper and I have the information, i really just need help puttin...
As of right now i have a term paper on chartres cathedral. It is a research paper and I have the information, i really just need help putting it together.
Sumith J
Gainesville, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Need to get corrected a "key selection criteria statement" for an overseas job. We need to to get it done tonight.
The statement is about all the research work done by my wife. We would like to meet in person. Tonight
The statement is about all the research work done by my wife. We would like to meet in person. Tonight
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